De ceva ore .....un tantar enervant ma tot enerveaza ... .....DA "un tantar enervant ma tot enerveaza " ehhh :-j ....Stiu a venit caldura ...dar de ce tocmai pe mine sa se duca la vecinu` De ce eu ?...Ce i`am facut eu ?:| ....Eu am sangele dulce nu`i bun...Vrei sa sti de ce`i dulce...Da de la ciocolata mancata mai jos.....
Deci este soare afara foarte cald ....Iar eu ma plictisesc foarte tare si nu stiu ce sa fac ...Am dat cateva sms-uri sperand sa primesc vreun raspuns dar nimic :|...Dupa ceva vreme m`a sunat o colega "Hai sa iesim in oras bla bla " si dupa cateva minute de vorbit "ce sa facem ce sa fac eu "pana la urma nu am mai plecat in oras .....Si uite asa stau in fata pc`ului si ma indop cu ciocolata. :| Daca maine ai sa ma vezi asa ai sa sti de ce ......
I can't remember the last time I had that feeling.
If you're reading this, I'm pretty sure you know it.
When you see that special someone that makes your heart wanna explode. You get that weird sensation in the pit of your stomach. The feeling is too complicated to describe, it's like a whole swarm of emotions all absorbed into one. And these emotions are all for the reason of that one person who holds your heart. Every time you look in their eyes, you just have that sense of belonging. Like you could be with them forever.